One World Week 2014
One World Week 2014 takes place from November 15-23. This year's theme is The World Young People Want - Connected, Respected, & Empowered
15th November to 23rd November 2014
One World Week is a week of youth-led awareness raising, education and action that takes place throughout Ireland during the third week in November every year. During One World Week young people learn about local and global justice issues and take action to bring about change. Youth groups all over the country do activities from the education pack. Some organise public events, quizzes and debates, invite guest speakers or have intercultural evenings. Many groups publicly display the work they have done in preparation for One World Week, or lead other people in doing a public action.
One World Week gives us the opportunity to:
- Explore the links between our own lives and those of others we may not even know, so that we can work together for justice and peace
- Celebrate the richness and diversity of belonging to one world
- Recognise our responsibility to care for the earth and share its resources fairly
- Challenge whatever keeps barriers intact or challenge what strengthens these barriers
- Bring issues of justice, rights, and equality to the centre of our family, youth organisation, school, church, friends, work and community life