Towards a National Strategy for Development Education (DE) in Ireland
The Centre for Global Education & the Irish Development Education Association (IDEA) invite participation in a one day seminar titled:TOWARD A NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION IN IRELAND
25th September to 31st December 2013
The Centre for Global Education & the Irish Development Education Association (IDEA) invite participation in a one day seminar titled:TOWARD A NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION IN IRELAND
This event aims to start a national dialogue on the need for, and potential shape of, a national development education strategy owned by the sector in the island of Ireland. The seminar will provide opportunities to learn from other networks in Europe that have produced a national strategy for their sector.
Venue: Wood Quay Venue, Dublin 8
Date: Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Time: 11.00am – 4.00pm (Arrival & Registration from 10.30am)
Seminar Fee: €15.00 / £10.00 (Lunch included)
Speakers include: Séverine de Laveleye ACODEV (Federation of NGOs for Development Co-operation, Brussels)
For registration or further information contact: stephen@centreforglobaleducation.comTel: 02890241879