Castleisland Community College
"Our project is to raise awareness on how to combat climate change and become more energy efficient. We are focusing on planting trees and raising awareness on their importance.
25th February 2016

Our project is to raise awareness on how to combat climate change and become more energy efficient. We are focusing on planting trees and raising awareness on their importance. We plan to plant over 300 trees by giving them out in school and creating a step by step guide on how to plant trees. We also want to design booklets and lesson plans to send to other schools on deforestation and the consequences we face due to cutting down trees. The students are also creating videos on what life would be like without trees and a comedic video on how we would all be planting trees if they gave out wifi.
Be The CHANGEBe the Change You Want To See In The World: Let us help you bring the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2016-2030 to life in your classroom with our workshops and the Wood of Life travelling hands-on exhibition for primary and post-primary schools.
Posted by Just Forests on Friday, 4 December 2015
Students in Castleisland Community College, Co Kerry, participate in Just Forests workshops on illegal logging and Climate Change
Posted by Just Forests on Friday, 26 February 2016