- Education for Sustainable Development
- Thinking TREES
- The SDGs 2016-2030
- Y-TOP International Summer School in Killarney
- I work with schools!
- Development for whom or 'conquest' education?
- Take a 'virtual' tour of the rainforest
- Wood Of Life & the SDGs- this is a hands-on travelling exhibition. It makes local and global links on the importance of wood and forests in our lives.
- Hands-on Education
- Slide SHARE
- Ending Poverty Starts with a TREE - "now yer suckin' carbon"
- Workshops & Training
- Development for whom or 'conquest' education?
- Testimonials
- LOCAL and GLOBAL Views
- What? No CSPE?
- Just Forests Club?
- ECO-Stories for Kids
- World Environment Day 2020
- European Tree of the Year 2017 Contest
- Life in Syntropy
- Our Common Home
- World Record Tree Hug 2016
- Tree Huggers 2015 Contest
- European Year of Development 2015
- HUG-A-TREE 2014
- Mother Earth Day 2014
- International Day of Forests 2015
- World Wildlife Day 2014
- January 2014: Is consumption consuming us?
- Water of Life
- Generation AWAKE - WATER
- The problem with palm oil?
- You are KING
- Buying wood products
- Ebony & Ivory
- Forest Certification
- Behind the Brands
- The multi-million dollar question: Is forest certification working
- Just POWER!
- Rethinking Capitalism
- Please sign this Petition: STOP Landgrabbing in Liberia
- Storytelling for Sustainability
- World Environment Day 2020
- 2015: Int Year of Soils
- Government Barometer 2014
- Public submissions
- Just plant a Tree
- Forests and Biofuels
- Lest We Forget
- Beyond 2015
- Stop Climate Chaos-Climate Bill 2013
- What You Can Do
- Current Advocacy
- Ombudsperson for Future Generations
- Stop Burning TREES
- Nature ALERT!
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- White Paper on Irish Aid
- DEBT and Natural Resources
- Fair Trade and Timber
- The Story of REDD: A real solution to deforestation?
- INFF and JF join forces in education
- Environment & Sustainability
- Ombudsperson for Future Generations
- Past Advocacy
- Eurobarometer 2012 on the EU Timber Regulation (EU TR)
- 2015: Int Year of Soils
- Just MUSIC
- Public Procurement MATTERS

Tell the Tree Council of Ireland to STOP accepting money from IKEA until they source ALL their timber and wood-based products from responsibly-managed and independently-certified forests worldwide...
Doesn't it seem like every time you turn on the TV or log onto Facebook, big business is once again pushing an agenda that maximizes profits over workers' rights, consumers rights, and basic human rights?
Whether it’s earning record profits while the rest of us languish in debt or causing environmental crises and then covering them up; whether it's working employees to death or wiggling out of every tax and regulation the government can manage to pass; or... The list just goes on and on! You name it, and corporations are behind it. And instead of being held accountable, CEOs are getting richer by the second while the rest of us hope to make it to our next paycheck!
But the world doesn’t have to be this way. Because we have a secret: We own the corporations that are causing all these problems. They rely on us to buy their products. They count on us to buy their stock. They need us to work for them. Without us, these massive corporations have no power.
That’s where we -- SumOfUs.org -- come in. By taking action this week, you have joined a new movement of individuals from all over the world, uniting together to demand that corporations put people over profits.
Here’s what we stand for:
- Governments that answer to citizens – not corporations;
- Fair treatment of workers and the right of every human being to make a living, safely and ethically, for themselves and their families;
- The right of ordinary consumers to buy products that are produced and marketed ethically, sustainably and transparently;
- The right of communities to manage and protect their own environment and natural resources;
- Business models that put people and the planet first instead of being driven by short-sighted greed.
If you, like us, are fed up with corporate power over our lives, and want to be a part of a movement to hold corporations accountable for their actions, then you’ve found the right home. Please help us out by taking a moment to select "Always display images from SumOfUs.org" at the top of this email. Approximately once a week -- sometimes less, but let’s be honest, corporations aren’t getting any less evil -- we’ll send you an email with something you can do to stand up for people over profit. Together we’ll build campaigns and pressure major corporations and win real victories that improve real people’s lives.
Read Forbes Magazine article on IKEA's link to illegal logging and forest crimes
Russian journalist Mikhail Beketov, who was beaten nearly to death in 2008, died on Monday 12th April, 2013, at age 55. Source: AAP
You can send your own message to The Tree Council of Ireland telling them to STOP accepting money from IKEA until they source ALL their timber and wood-based products from responsibly-managed and independently-certified forests worldwide...
Lest We Forget the many who have died protecting forests-our life source.
- World Environment Day 2020
- European Tree of the Year 2017 Contest
- Life in Syntropy
- Our Common Home
- World Record Tree Hug 2016
- Tree Huggers 2015 Contest
- European Year of Development 2015
- HUG-A-TREE 2014
- Mother Earth Day 2014
- International Day of Forests 2015
- World Wildlife Day 2014
- January 2014: Is consumption consuming us?
- Water of Life
- Generation AWAKE - WATER
- The problem with palm oil?
- You are KING
- Buying wood products
- Ebony & Ivory
- Forest Certification
- Behind the Brands
- The multi-million dollar question: Is forest certification working
- Just POWER!
- Rethinking Capitalism
- Please sign this Petition: STOP Landgrabbing in Liberia
- Storytelling for Sustainability

Ringfort Workshop, Rathcobican, Rhode, Offaly, Ireland
Phone: +353 (0)86 8049389 | E-mail: info@tomroche.ie