Dear Michael Flatley please join us in the fight against the ivory trade
Conservation group calls on Lord of the Dance to stop buying 'white gold'.
28th January 2014
For Immediate release:
Date: 28 January 2014
From: Just Forests - TULLAMORE.
Contact person: Tom Roche
Contact number (mobile): +353 (0)86 8049389
Conservation group calls on Lord of the Dance to stop buying ‘white gold’.
The international trade in ivory often referred to as ‘white gold’ is decimating elephants and rhinoceros populations around the world but particularly on the African continent.
“Well-armed poachers in Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe are indescrimanently wiping out families of elephant to service the brutal growing international trade in ivory”, according to Tom Roche, of Tullamore-based conservation group Just Forests. The group are calling on all visitors to Africa to refrain from purchasing ivory as a means of stopping this cruel barbaric trade.
The surge in the killing of elephants (critical 'flagship' species) in Africa and the illegal taking of other listed species globally threatens not only wildlife populations but the livelihoods of millions who depend on tourism for a living and the lives of those wardens and wildlife staff who are attempting to stem the illegal tide.
An estimated 30,000 elephants are mowed down each year only to have their tusks hacked off and then left to die agonizingly.
In an attempt to have the Catholic Church ban the sale of religious souvenirs made of ivory, Just Forests invites Lord of the Dance, Mr Michael Flatley, to accompany them when they will hand in a petition, signed by over 600 people, to the Primate of All Ireland, Archbishop of Armagh Sean Brady on 3rd March 2014. Security sources revealed the burglars got away with over £200,000 worth of rhino horn from Mr Flatley's mansion in Castlehyde, Fermoy Co Cork, last night 27th January at around 6.30pm.
"Just Forests would be delighted to have Mr Flately help us fight this appauling ivory trade that causes so much pain to some of the earth's most fascinating animals'', according to Roche
The United Nations General Assembly decided to proclaim 3 March, the day of the adoption of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), as World Wildlife Day, to celebrate and raise awareness of the world's wild fauna and flora.
More about World Wildlife Day 2014:
28 January 2014: See article The Ivory Trade
Please see our press release of 9 May 2013: CITES Secretary-General calls for urgent action to protect elephants in the Dzanga-Sanga National Park
Please also see our press release 6 March 2013: African Elephant Crisis
Dear Michael Flatley - 'Lord of the Dance' help us STOP this cruel trade
— Just Forests (@Justforests) January 28, 2014