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14th December 2020
Texaco trying to use Irish sports clubs to Greenwash company’s disastrous environ-mental record and to hide role in fuelling the climate crisis
31st July 2020
- The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is increasing the risk of illegal timber harvesting and trade.
- Restrictions on movement, market changes, and other economic pressures make law enforcement more difficult.
- Keeping timber production and trade legal is crucial to the protection of forests, sustainable livelihoods, and for building back better from COVID-19.
25th July 2020
“The views of the public are clear: Burning wood for electricity is both unpopular and destructive,” said Sasha Stashwick, a senior advocate with NRDC. “It’s time for the government to end the wasteful subsidies for this polluting industry – especially when people don’t even consider it to be renewable energy. In this respect, our data shows a striking disconnect between government...
25th July 2020
Although some 178 million hectares of forest has been lost worldwide over the past three decades, the rate of loss has declined substantially during this period, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said on Tuesday.
24th July 2020
The Netherlands should phase out the use of biomass for generating electricity as soon as possible, the advisory board of the Dutch government said in a report presented earlier this month.
23rd July 2020
One month ago, Earthsight released the findings of an 18-month long investigation into the illegal timber being used in Ikea products. The report rocked the industry and made headlines. But while Ikea and the Ukrainian government have promised to act, FSC, the green label whose failure lies at the heart of the scandal, has its head still firmly buried in the sand.
20th July 2020
Denys Shmygal’s announcement came the same day officials confirmed a criminal investigation has been launched into a local forestry body used by Ikea's suppliers to source illegal wood.
18th July 2020
Since taking office in January 2019, President Jair Bolsonaro has waged a relentless campaign against Brazil’s environmental laws and the rights of its Indigenous Peoples.
This assault helped paved the way for the fires that tore through the Amazon last summer; the highest year on year increase in deforestation in the Amazon for a quarter of a century; a surge in violent land conflicts of...
3rd June 2020
A new article presents the largest analysis of environmental conflicts up to date with findings that have direct implications for enhanced support of environmental defenders.
1st June 2020
COVID-19 Stimulus Measures
Must Save Lives, Protect Livelihoods, and Safeguard
Nature to Reduce the Risk of Future Pandemics